Many arthropods (especially insects and mites) occur in turfgrass and the ornamental plant beds on golf courses. Some are beneficial (e.g., pollinators, decomposers, and natural enemies) or are aesthetically attractive (e.g., butterflies), while others may be nuisance pests or may negatively affect plant health. Arthropods can cause various types of damage to turfgrass, depending on where they attack the plant. Annually recurring insect pest groups on Maryland golf courses include species such as annual white grubs, armyworms, cutworms, and nuisance ants.
Best Management Practices
- Release insect-parasitic nematodes to naturally suppress insect pests such as white grubs.
- Especially for insecticides aimed at soil insects, irrigate turfgrass before and/or after an application, in accordance with the label.
Next: Annual Bluegrass Weevil