Winterization of the irrigation system is important to protect the system and reduce equipment failures resulting from freezing. In the spring, inspecting the system for corrective maintenance issues and conducting a catch-can test to audit the system ensures that the system is functioning properly.
Best Management Practices
- Conduct a visual inspection of the irrigation system: inspect for mainline breaks, low pressure at the pump, and head-to-head spacing.
- Flush and drain above-ground irrigation system components that could hold water.
- Remove water from all conveyances and supply and distribution devices that may freeze by using compressed air or opening drain valves at the lowest point on the system.
- Clean filters, screens, and housing. Remove drain plugs and empty water out of the system.
- Secure systems and close and lock covers/compartment doors to protect the system from potential acts of vandalism and from animals seeking refuge.
- Remove drain plugs and drain above-ground pump casings.
- Record metering data before closing the system.
- Secure or lock irrigation components and electrical boxes.
- Perform pump and engine servicing/repair before winterizing.
- Recharge irrigation system in the spring with water and inspect for corrective maintenance issues.
- In the spring, conduct a catch-can test to audit the system.
Next: Record Keeping